Compensation amount

Our terms are simple! No hidden charges!

If you file an application in person
If you file an application with DelayFix



up to 1500 km 

250 €
187,5 €
150 €

from 1500 km to 3500 km

400 €
300 €
240 €

more than 3500 km

600 €
450 €
360 €
Submitting an application to an airline
The Flight Monitoring Centre collects the evidence necessary to successfully seek compensation from the airline.
Our Legal Team, specialised in aviation law, handles your case from beginning to end.
You do not incur any additional costs, such as translation or court fees.
Our Legal Team represents you in the case if it goes to court. It also deals with the recovery of compensation.
If you experience a delayed or cancelled flight again within 12 consecutive months, you will benefit from DelayFix's free legal care.

up to 1500 km 

from 1500 km to 3500 km

more than 3500 km

If you file an application in person
250 €
400 €
600 €
Application with DelayFix


187,5 €300 €450 €
Application with DelayFix


150 €240 €360 €

How do you benefit?

See why it is better to take advantage of DelayFix experts than to apply on your own.

If you file an application in person

Application with DelayFix

  • Submitting an application to an airline
  • The Flight Monitoring Centre collects the evidence necessary to successfully seek compensation from the airline.
  • Our Legal Team, specialised in aviation law, handles your case from beginning to end.
  • You do not incur any additional costs, such as translation or court fees.
  • Our Legal Team represents you in the case if it goes to court. It also deals with the recovery of compensation.
  • If you experience a delayed or cancelled flight again within 12 consecutive months, you will benefit from DelayFix's free legal care.

* DelayFix is authorised to decrease the Payout Amount by 7 percentage points if the Redress is obtained as a result of legal actions undertaken by DelayFix against the Air Carrier who does not have a registered office and/or a branch in the territory of the Republic of Poland. Amounts respectively:


*Działania prawne

DelayFix uprawniony jest do zmniejszenia Kwoty Wypłaty o 7 punktów procentowych w przypadku, w którym do uzyskania Rekompensaty dojdzie w wyniku podjęcia przez DelayFix działań prawnych skierowanych przeciwko Przewoźnikowi Lotniczemu nieposiadającemu siedziby i/lub oddziału na terenie Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej. Kwoty odpowiednio:

How does it work?

Fill out a simple form and the DelayFix team will take care of the rest. See how easy it is!

Step 1

Fill out the form

Answer some questions about your flight and find out how much compensation to which you are entitled. You can also book an interview with one of our experts.

Step 2

We will take care of the formalities.

Our legal team will analyse your situation. We will collect the necessary documents, translate them and apply for compensation. If your case goes to court, we will represent you before it. You do not have to get involved in anything!

Step 3

Up to €600 compensation paid straight to your account.

As many as 98% of the cases we have handled have resulted in the payment of compensation for a delayed or cancelled flight. A transfer to your account is the culmination of the work of our specialists.